People in Thailand

The city of Thailand is a multicultural society. In Thailand you will get many immigrant people like Tai, some Chinese and also Indians. From time immemorial Thai culture, civilization and identity has enhanced by the combined culture of Chinese, Indian, Tai and other community. People call the city’s residents as ‘Thai’. By this name it proves that they are unified in a political sense and also are subjects of Thai nation. The name ‘Thai’ has a cultural and linguistic sense. In Thailand most of the people speak Thai language but they also know other languages as well. Mentions about the first dwellers are there in the prehistory link.

After prehistoric times there were the Mon, the Khmer and other Austro-Asiatic tribes. These can be mentioned as the Lawa, H' tin, etc. Their defining moments are up until 1300 and the arrival of the Tai tribes. The Khmer who established the Kingdom of Chenla and Angkor are described in East Thailand People. It has also been proved that Khmer influence was significant elsewhere as well.

The Austro-Asiatic speakers including the Mon are considered in Central Thailand People and North Thailand People regions. The Mon had separate kingdoms in each region. The other Austro-Asiatic speaking tribes are considered but these were less significant. In North Thailand People are described as the smaller groups of Austro-Asiatic speakers such as the Lawa, H' tin and other hunters and gathers of that region.

The Tai tribes are considered the oldest and the most significant inhabitants in the regions of North Thailand, Central Thailand, South or Southern Thailand and North East Thailand. These regions are relevant in that ethnic diversity and also varied through out the regions of Thailand. Modern Thailand is a modern political nation now. The belief systems, ethnic characteristics, and languages and lifestyles of each of all the tribes are always compared. Between the Tai tribes the points of comparison can be named as script and language including culture, art and architecture style. As between all the other ethnic tribes comparison comes in the language groups, animist and non animist beliefs, monogamous and polygamous cultures, indic script or Khmer based text, spirit beliefs, ancestor worship or not, highland dwellers or lowland farmers, hierarchical and non hierarchical societies, and religion such as Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Muslim, animist, etc.

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